Seasons Of Code

YouTube Fast Playlist    • Meet Udeshi   

WnCC - Seasons of Code

Seasons of Code is a programme launched by WnCC along the lines of the Google Summer of Code. It provides one with an opprtunity to learn and participate in a variety of interesting projects under the mentorship of the very best in our institute.

List of Projects

YouTube Fast Playlist

YouTube Fast Playlist

This internship involves development of a web tool for rapidly creating and editing dynamic playlists of YouTube music videos.

YouTube Fast Playlist

FastPlaylist is a web tool for rapidly creating and editing dynamic playlists of youtube music videos. It currently allows youtube search, quickly adding and removing any video, drag and drop reordering, playlist loop, single video loop, shuffling. The project originated from the dire need for something like your average music player for youtube videos. There are other sites which do something similar but they are either restrictive, ad-ridden or both. There are a lot of features which could be added to make this project better.