What is the Web and Coding Club?

Web and Coding Club is one of the biggest clubs of IIT Bombay. As a part of the Institute Technical Council, we aim to provide a gateway for the people in our institute to join the coding community. We create a platform which allows students to gain assistance and mentorship to enhance their coding ability. Our aim is to propagate the enthusiasm for coding in the institute and especially amongst freshmen. We believe that every student here at IITB should have an opportunity to learn how to code and develop a passion for it. The secret of getting ahead is getting started and we aim to provide every student with the right start.
What do we do?
We conduct events and workshops, hold lectures and talks, and even host coding competitions and hackathons. There is something for everyone. Whether you want to learn, participate in hackathons and win big prizes, prepare for the Google Summer of Code or code your way through the ACM-ICPC, you can do it all here.
Ideas are a dime a dozen...

Grundy- WnCC’s wiki
On New Year’s Eve 2017, we launched our very own wiki- Grundy. It is an educational wiki, meant to help beginners get started with programming. It’s got a large number of tutorials, on various programming topics. All tutorials are hand-tailored by students of IIT Bombay. However unlike conventional programming tutorials, these take a slightly different approach. Rather than reinventing the wheel, Grundy aims at bringing together a number of online tutorials and resources along with a set of pre-requisites and motivation to learn a programming skill. We also have exhaustive lists of our community resources, projects and GSoC recommendations. Here’s a detailed summary about how the wiki was built.
Seasons of Code
Seasons of Code is a programme launched by the WnCC, along the lines of GSoC without much greenery though. The idea is that one can choose from the projects offered by mentors who are senior undergrads, doctorate students or professors, and in some exceptional cases, startups. The projects floated span several genres, including Development, Scientific Computation, Machine Learning and Open Source. With most of the projects running in summer, we’ve also had projects that have extended into the semester and some in winter.

Reflections are our beloved series of informal events that aim to give one an idea of the breadth of Computer Science. These are mostly conducted in Hostel Lounges, where speakers discuss about their CS research projects conducted as RnDs or internships. The problems discussed are usually very specific, but the discussion often covers an overview, providing a general understanding of the topic.
GSoC Incubation Cell
Google Summer of Code (https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/) is a global program sponsored by Google, focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development. The GSoC Incubation Cell is an initiative to aid and assist students aiming for a GSoC. Under the incubator, senior students who have done a GSoC in the past, come together to share their experiences and help aspirants. Having more collective experience means one can approach people who have contribute to different orgs, for directed help till their first few contributions. Under the GIC, we also conduct several events like- Open Source Session, Git workshop, Introduction to IRC.

Data Science Day
Seeing the increase in interest in the field of Data Science, and especially in the fields of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, we decided to do our bit. The Data Science Day is a conglomeration of a set of events including Panel Discussions, Talks by professors, screening of the highlights from the Women in Data Science Stanford conference.
Together we can do so much...
Over the years, we’ve collaborated with several companies and organisations to conduct events and hackathons, inside and outside the institute.

We are one